About Creazioni Sport

Creazionisport is an ongoing project which started in 2009. The artist has a twofold intention : on one side he wants to give an interpretation of the inner beauty present in each movement of the human body itself. On the other his attempt is to share with the viewer the mystique radiating from every single sport discipline, all of them created by humankind over the course of centuries.

The works of this website have been made using various artistic techniques including:

  • Illustrations on paper
  • Digital prints on various supports
  • Engraved ceramics
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Most of the works on this website are available for sale and/or for rental.

Detailed information, including dimensions and techniques, can be obtained contacting the author of the works, Andrea Caruso.

For a complete gathering of Andrea Caruso’s Art projects and creations we suggest to visit his personal website at www.andreacaruso.com